Discover movies, documentaries, and TV shows that you can borrow with your Petoskey District Library (PDL) library card. If you can't find what you are looking for in our catalog, try searching Michigan eLibrary (MeL), an online catalog that allows you to borrow library materials for free from participating Michigan libraries. Still can't find what you want? Try hoopla, Kanopy, or our PAC2 app!
Listen to your favorite music or discover a new band with your Petoskey District Library (PDL) library card. The Library has tons of different types of music! You can also search hoopla for streaming music or search our PAC2 app for more CD music to borrow.
PDL now has video games! Did you know that video games can help improve concentration, memory, creativity, and teamwork? They can also provide plain old fun! Your Library has video games (PlayStation, PC, Switch, and Xbox) for all ages. The Library also has a PlayStation 4 controller available to borrow.