The Petoskey District Library (PDL) offers a wide selection of Audiobooks available for check-out in both CD and downloadable digital formats that you can search and access in the online Library catalog.
Can't find what you are looking for on our online catalog? Try searching Michigan eLibrary (MeL), an online catalog that allows you to borrow books and other library materials for free from participating Michigan libraries.
Libby is your gateway to free eAudiobooks, eBooks, eMagazines and more! Download on your computer or mobile device with the Libby app from anywhere.
Take the Library with you wherever you go! Thousands of movies, TV shows, audiobooks, eBooks, comic books, and music albums are at your fingertips with Hoopla.
Add partner libraries to your library account and get access to more titles. Once added, you can search for your desired item and Libby will automatically show the best results across all of the libraries added, giving you access to more copies and shorter wait time. Follow these instructions for adding new libraries, and learn how to search all libraries for your item.